Our Boosterthon Color Run Fundraiser has officially come to an end and we raised a total of $15, 927 for our school!
We want to give a huge THANK YOU to our entire Joseph Sims Shining Stars Community for supporting the Boosterthon Fundraiser!
We are looking forward to purchasing the lighting for the stage in the Multipurpose Room! We will also be celebrating with popcorn for the whole school AND water balloons on Field Day!!
Dates to come for next year’s Boosterthon!
2024 Boosterthon Fundraiser:
Tracks B & D – Kicks off on January 23, event on February 1
Tracks A, C, T – Kicks off on February 5, event on February 15
Students can register now at mybooster.com!
Our goal is to raise $15,000 for new stage lighting for our MultiPurpose Room!
Please register your student now at mybooster.com , then share the link with friends and family! Students will receive a prize just for registering. All students will participate in this program and the celebration Color Run, regardless of financial participation.
Besides the prizes kids can earn from pledges they receive, we have some fun challenges and incentives for the entire school throughout the program!
When we hit certain goal milestones, we have some fun planned for students!
$5,000…. Nia the Ninja will get pied in the face
$7,000….Mr. Jorge will get duct taped to the wall during lunch!
$8,000… Our teachers will do a TikTok dance
$10,000….Nia the Ninja will get silly stringed
And if we ready $10,000 by February 1 Color Run, Mr. Lew will run in the Color Run!
$12,000…Mrs. Feikert-Miles will dress like a Sky Dancer during PE, and the PTO will purchase a fun Sky Dancer to be used in PE classes
$15,000…Nia the Ninja will get slimed!!! AND the PTO will delivery popcorn to all the classrooms AND purchase water balloons for the field days in May & June
If we exceed our goal of raising $15,0000, then….
$16,000… The teachers will do another TikTok dance
$18,000….Mrs. Hoppner will become a Human Sundae, and all classes will get Otter Pops!
$20,000… Mrs. Riley will run, skip or walk in the Color Run!
Want to volunteer at the Color Run?
Update: We are very thankful for all of our parent volunteers, but due to the number of students, and limited space, we will have to ask that only students and staff be in the Multipurpose Room for the Glow Jam.
Please see EGUSD’s volunteering/fingerprinting policy. If you are not sure if you are cleared to volunteer, please ask the school office.
Color Run Frequently Asked Questions
What is the color made of? The color is primarily made of cornstarch and food color. View the complete ingredient list here.
Does the color stain? The color washes out relatively easily in the laundry. Boosterthon highly
recommends students do not wear items they are worried about possibly ruining, should the color remain in the slightest after wash. Wash your child’s Color Run clothes separatly.
Do I need to send a change of clothes/shoes for my child? It is recommended to have a change of clothes/shoes. If your student is not changing their clothes, we highly recommend that you bring a towel/old bedsheet, etc. for the car ride home, to avoid getting color in your vehicle.
Who will be throwing the color? Adult volunteers, teachers/school staff and the Booster team will be throwing color. Boosterthon discourages students throwing color.
How long will the run be? How many laps or is it time? The actual amount of time students will be running/walking/jogging is about 35 minutes. Students are encouraged to complete 30-35 laps.
How often (how many times) will the color be thrown? At each lap, each
station, at the end? Boosterthon has designated “color laps” built into the event’s custom soundtrack, about one every five minutes or so. The color lap lasts about 30 seconds
to a minute and is only conducted at the color stations located towards the
inner portion of the track.
What if my child is sensitive to stuff being thrown at them? Before the run begins, the Boosterthon Team reviews the safety rules. During this review, the team will explain to students that if they would like to avoid being exposed to the color powder, they should run towards the outer part of the track, as the “color zones” are located towards the inner portion of the